Questions and answers about the situation in Ukraine
Plans are now being made for measures to alleviate the distress and human suffering of Ukrainians. Various existing city services help people in distress and volunteer organisations work in close cooperation with authorities.
We have compiled answers to questions that come up repeatedly.
The city has received many enquiries from concerned residents who would like to help and give support to Ukrainians in different ways. We collected answers from the city’s experts to questions that are asked frequently.
Temporary protection for those fleeing Ukraine
Who will deal with the living arrangements of Ukrainians coming to Salo?
What kinds of social and health services can Ukrainians get in Salo?
Are you Ukrainian and hoping to find work in Finland?
Early childhood education and care
Preparatory instruction for children born between 2005 and 2014
Public transport in Salo – Paikku
Pets arriving with Ukrainians
How can individual citizens and businesses help Ukraine and the Ukrainians?
If I arrange transport and bring Ukrainians to Finland, how should I proceed?
I have arrived in Salo from Ukraine, and I am arranging my accommodation myself. What should I do?
Leisure time services
Finnish Goverment - Russian invasion of Ukraine
Impact of Russian sanctions on business
Social security rights of persons arriving in Finland in the wake of the situation in Ukraine
Most of the social security benefits provided by Kela are available only to those who expect to stay in Finland permanently, but eligibility for benefits can also be based on employment. Further, there are situations where there is a right to indispensable subsistence. Everyone in Finland has the right to receive urgent medical care. Reception centres are responsible for the economic security of asylum seekers and their access to health services.
Incidents and crises
The Emergency Services have received a lot of enquiries on civil defence and civil defence shelters after the recent deterioration of the European security situation.
Finland is not currently under a threat that would necessitate the issuance of orders on the deployment of civil defence shelters. We compiled an information package that provides answers to frequently asked questions about civil defence shelters.