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В настоящее время планируются меры по облегчению человеческих страданий украинцев. Различные услуги, предоставляемые городом, направлены на помощь нуждающимся. Муниципалитет также тесно сотрудничает как с волонтерскими организациями, так и с органами власти.

Мы собрали ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы.

Муниципалитет получает много вопросов от озабоченных жителей, которые хотели бы помочь и поддержать украинцев различными способами. Мы собрали ответы экспертов города на часто задаваемые вопросы.

Social security rights of persons arriving in Finland in the wake of the situation in Ukraine

Most of the social security benefits provided by Kela are available only to those who expect to stay in Finland permanently, but eligibility for benefits can also be based on employment. Further, there are situations where there is a right to indispensable subsistence. Everyone in Finland has the right to receive urgent medical care. Reception centres are responsible for the economic security of asylum seekers and their access to health services.

Read more Kela 4.3.2022

Incidents and crises

The Emergency Services have received a lot of enquiries on civil defence and civil defence shelters after the recent deterioration of the European security situation.
Finland is not currently under a threat that would necessitate the issuance of orders on the deployment of civil defence shelters. We compiled an information package that provides answers to frequently asked questions about civil defence shelters.

Information package