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Developing competitiveness

In Salo, the future is built on a vibrant and diverse business life. The municipal development, business, and employment services collaborate with Yrityssalo Ltd to guarantee a positive atmosphere in the business sector and ideal preconditions for entrepreneurship. As a result, Salo is an attractive destination for international companies, employees, and experts alike. The work of the development services is guided by the city’s strategy and economic development policy.

The city-owned economic development company Yrityssalo Ltd offers services to already operational and aspiring enterprises at any and all stages of the company development.

We at the municipal development services act as a development partner for the city’s different service areas and help launch development projects that generate growth and experimental platforms for companies, educational institutions, universities, and higher education institutions for the purpose of developing customer-oriented services and smart solutions. Close cooperation in terms of education and RDI activities, extensive international networks, and different development projects create a good growth platform for new innovations, help to diversify the service structure, and strengthen the competitiveness of the city.

  • Economic development policy 2018–2026
  • Our vision is to be the most entrepreneur-friendly municipality in Finland.
  • Cooperation networks offer an important growth platform.
  • We develop competence through collaboration with educational institutions, universities, and higher education institutions.
  • Entrepreneurship education fosters entrepreneurship and improves the working life skills of young people.

University-level collaboration

The City of Salo and the University of Turku have been engaged in systematic cooperation since 2013. The aim of the cooperation is to create research and development projects with a broad funding base and, where possible, other involved partners.

The themes of the joint development projects are technology/ICT, development of teaching and education, and strengthening the role of the business sector and Yrityssalo Ltd. To receive funding, projects must comply with both the university’s research objectives and the development objectives of the City of Salo and of the business sector.

On-going projects

  • Development work for the Oppiva Salo programme (2017–2020) (2021–2023)
  • Oppimisteknologia (Learning technology) – coordinator (2019–2021)
  • Salo Upper Secondary School business line (2019–2023)
  • Smart city and capstone projects (2019–2021)
  • Lasten netti (Internet for children) (2020–2023)
  • Lukeva Salo (Reading Salo) (2021–2024)
  • Oppimisanalytiikan ja sähköisen diagnostisen arvioinnin avulla kohti parempaa oppimista ja tasapuolisempaa arviointia (Towards better learning and equal evaluation with learning analytics and electronic diagnostics assessments) (2020–2022)
  • UTU Business Collaboration Salo (2021–2022)
  • Climate and environmental cooperation (2020–2021)

Past projects

  • Salo Upper Secondary School science line (2015–2020)
  • Salo City Centre 2030 (2020)