Ohjaamo for young people
The One-Stop Guidance Center is a service point for young people under the age of 30, where they can get advice on any questions they may have. One-Stop Guidance Centers strive to provide young people with as much information and advice as they need. The centre employees are available from Monday to Friday 12:00–15:00.
The One-Stop Guidance Center offers help and guidance with issues such as work and employment, career planning, education, housing, and financial management. You can receive information on services, courses, and groups intended for young people, as well as on different opportunities for internationalisation and local events.
The job coach of the local government pilot on employment in Salo is on call at the One-Stop Guidance Center on weekdays from 12:00 to 15:00. The coach is exclusively available to young people. Moreover, the One-Stop Guidance Center and Voimala 2.0, which operates in the same facilities, also offer their customers the services of weekly changing on-call specialists who represent different fields and services, such as Kela and social work services.
The services of the One-Stop Guidance Center are free of charge and confidential.
You can call or e-mail us, contact us on social media, or simply stop by for a visit.
Ohjaamo on social media, Facebook (in Finnish)