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For immigrants

For immigrants

In Salo, guidance and counseling is available for immigrants in matters related to integration, employment and education. In Salo’s TE Office, there is an employment counselor who specializes in guiding immigrants, who advises especially on matters related to employment and education.

For example, an initial survey can be prepared for the immigrant, which explains the skills and life situation and the corresponding educational need, as well as the need for an integration plan. The individual integration plan usually includes studying the Finnish language and, if necessary, also other services.

You can get more information about the integration plan from the immigration unit or the TE office in Salo.

HelppoSalo support service for immigrants

HelppoSalo (Tehdaskatu 2, 1 st floor) offers guidances and services for immigrants helping such as those issues below in different languages whenever you need.

  • Work life/ employment etc.
  • Family life/ housing etc.
  • Education
  • Filling out various applications (Kela, Migri, and so on).
  • Gathering information for you needs
  • Residence permit and citizenship issues

We offer our service in Finnish, English, Russian and Japanese.

However, there is a possibility to arrange a translator in your own language if necessary.

More information, opening hours and contact number – HelppoSalo.